Technical Support
How Do I Enroll?
Simply choose your course and go through the payment process. You will receive an email with your username and password. You are now enrolled and ready to begin. You can login to your course through the portal login page.
How Do I Login?
  • After enrolling in a class, you can login to the education portal.
  • To login, visit
  • Enter the username and password that was emailed to you upon registration.
I forgot my password.
I need help logging into the FCDICE system.
I don't have access to a computer or to the internet.
All Florida public libraries provide free public computer and internet access and most provide free introductory training in their use.
Having difficulty getting a video to play or can’t get a page to load?
Sometimes irritating technical problems are solved by simply navigating the site using a different browser, or by updating your current browser. 
iPad Users:
Still having problems? You might need a plug in:
Click here for even more Troubleshooting Guides
We will continue to update this section and post answers to our most frequently asked tech questions. In the meantime, for technical support questions, please email Please allow 24-48 hrs for a response. We also encourage visiting our Tech FAQ discussion board within the portal for help from peers within our virtual community.