FCDICE Instructor Functions


This is intended to take the Instructor through the FCDICE (Fire College, Department of Insurance Continuing Education) System. This tutorial will cover:

Instructor Functions

  • Provider Status
  • Obtaining an Instructor Number
  • Submitting a course approval
  • Submitting a class approval
  • Completing a Roster 




  • A Provider is an entity that provides training opportunities using instructors.
  • A Provider can be an individual, organization or Fire Department.
  • An instructor must be affiliated with a provider.
  • You can be affiliated with multiple providers.

A Provider can be; 

  • An individual -  (the provider is the instructor and the instructor is the provider). If you are going to teach independently go to www.floridastatefirecollege.org, select “Apply”, select “Training Provider Application”; complete and submit the application for an individual provider.
  • An organization - (a group of instructors, a company, a training center, college, etc). If an organization does not have Provider status, the organization must go to  www.floridastatefirecollege.org,  select “Apply”, select “Instructor Approval Request” the organization completes and submits the application for an individual provider.
  • A Fire Department - If you are teaching for a fire department, the Fire Department is a Provider already and nothing need be done. 




If you already have an instructor number - When you Log in at www.floridastatefirecollege.org the first page after log in will give you the option to log in as student (doing things for you) or as an instructor (doing things for others). To find your instructor number;

·         Select Maintenance, from the drop down select Instructor List. This will take you to a Page called Instructor List.

·         At Instructor List, enter your first and last name into the boxes and select “Search”. The result will give you a page with your Instructor number.


If you do not have an instructor number - When you Log in at www.floridastatefirecollege.org the first page after log in will be your in-box page as a student (doing things for you). To get an instructor number;


  • Your Provider must log-in to  www.floridastatefirecollege.org
  • Once logged in, select “Apply”, from the pull down select “Instructor Approval Request” This will take the provider to the Instructor Approval Request Page.
  • At the Instructor Approval Request Page, they enter your Student ID and select “Search”. This will cause the page to populate information about you.
  • At the bottom of the Instructor Approval Request page, they will use the pull down box next to “Course” and select a course they want you to teach (you need to be qualified to teach the course).
  • In the box titled comments, they type in why you should be able to instruct in general and the selected course specifically. When completed select “Save
  • The request will go to Training (BFST) where it will be reviewed and approved or denied. An inbox message will be sent to the Provider and when you next log in, you will see where you have the option to log in as student or instructor. 




A course is a body of knowledge; a class is a moment in time when that knowledge is delivered. Course approval is required for a new course not in our existing Course List.

You have developed a course you would like to teach and have BFST recognize.

  • Log-in to  www.floridastatefirecollege.org and select Instructor this will take you to the in-box  page.
  • Select “Apply”, then from the Pull Down select “Course Approval Request” This will take you to the first part of the Course Approval Request Page
  • In the box next to Name, enter the title of the course as you would like it.
  • In the box next to Description, enter a course description if the course is 4 hrs or less. If it is more than 4 ours, include an outline.
  • Select Fire Services ALWAYS. This will open up the rest of the page which needs to be completed. In the process of completion, a couple of high points;
    • Requested hours – a 4 hour program will normally get 3 hours, an 8 hour program 6hrs.
    • Program Type – If public is selected, the class (actual delivery dates) and information would be on our web site. If In-house is selected only your department members would be able to see it or sign up for it.
  •  When completed to your liking, select “Save
  • The application will go to Training (BFST) for review and either approval or denial. Check your in-box for a message confirming approval with a number and prefix assigned to the course.




A class is a body of knowledge; a class is a moment in time when that knowledge is delivered. Class approval is required in order for a roster to be made and submitted. 


You want to teach a course, have been approved to teach that course and now want to get it into FCDICE.


  • Log-in to www.floridastatefirecollege.org and select Instructor this will take you to the in-box  page. In order to complete this application, you need to have 3 pieces of information;
    • Instructor Number – See above
    • Course Prefix and Number – Select “Maintenance” then “Course List
    • Location – Select “Maintenance” then “Location List”. Should the location you want to use not be listed, select “New” on the bottom of the page, complete the form and select “Save”. NOTE: A location always must have a building and room number.
  • Select “Apply”, then from the Pull Down select “Class Approval Request” This will take you to the Class Approval Request Page.
  • At the Class Approval Request Page Enter the Course Prefix and Number and select “Search”, enter the instructor name and select “Search” NOTE; You can enter as many instructors as you have working with / for you one at a time.
  • Complete the rest of the form and then select “Add Date, Time and Location”. You will see a summary of your class request. If you want to teach this course again and know the info already, complete the form again and select “Add Date, Time and Location” when done, select “Submit
  • The application will go to Training (BFST) for review and either approval or denial. Check your in-box for a message confirming approval with a number assigned to the class.




A roster is a listing of students, their grades and whether or not they passed or failed the course. In order to complete a roster you must have an approved Class Approval Request number. You have the approval number and now want to enter students into the roster. Students can enter the roster 2 ways; The student can sign up on-line as a student independently or you can enter them into the roster manually. To enter a roster;


  • Log-in to www.floridastatefirecollege.org and select Instructor this will take you to the in-box page. In order to complete this application, you need to have at least one of the following  pieces of information;
    • Student ID number – The student acquires this from the My Profile page under Customize
    • Student SSN
    • If a student does not have a Student ID, have them create a profile before the class (see Log in Tutorial)
  • Select “Roster”, then from the Pull Down select “Attendance Roster Detail” This will take you to the Roster Detail Page
  • At the Roster Detail Page, enter the Class Approval number and select “Search” This will take you to the Roster. Enter the students into the roster who has not signed up themselves. NOTE when you fill up a page with students, select “save” and then go back to Roster Detail and select “add more students”.
  • Select the appropriate code for each student (the code explanation is on the bottom left of the page).